3 Ways to Incorporate Your College into Your Senior Pictures
I absolutely love when my clients bring props and meaningful items to their Michigan portrait sessions with them. Senior photos are so flexible because there are so many options to create a unique experience that reflects the true you during your senior year. One of the things you can bring to your senior session is your upcoming college gear!
This is such a great way to celebrate where you’re headed in the next chapter of your life! Not only that, having photos with your college gear represented also helps let everyone know where your journey is taking you next!
#1. ACCEPTANCE BANNER: when you get your big acceptance letter in the mail, keep the banner they send you! Bring it to your session and pull it out for a few pictures!
#2. T-SHIRT / HOODIE: A great way to tell everyone where you’ll be spending your next four years is by wearing your new school in a few of your pictures! Make sure to keep it simple with your collegiate colors with big, bold lettering.
#3. COLLEGE FLAG: Bring your collegiate flag! You can find these flags at your school’s local gear shops.
Ellie, 2023 graduate, chose to take her senior photos on her future college campus, Michigan State University!
Ready to sport your college gear and get your session scheduled? Reach out to me here!