7 Tips to Prepare Children for Your Photo Session
As a family photographer, I have run across several grumpy children who have just received a talking-to in the car before the start of the session. This tends to cause more tension, stressed parents, and a few forced smiles from the children during the photo session. But my goal for your session is to create a fun family experience that results in genuine smiles.
Typically, children want to understand what is expected of them and what a “family photo shoot” entails. By being straight forward and explaining that the upcoming photo shoot will be a fun experience that they should look forward to will help! Expressing your expectations will limit many anxieties for your kids and yourself.
1. Find a Comfortable Outfit
Some of the most uncomfortable children are often ones with ill-fitting clothes. Sometimes that adorable head band or set of jean overalls are not worth family photos that contain tears and pained looks on your children’s faces. Additionally, check the weather forecast before the scheduled photo shoot, and try to abide by it. Layers are always a good idea. If a child is too hot or too cold you will definitely be able to tell in your final portraits.
2. Keep Your Children Well Fed + Consider Bringing Snacks!
If adults can get hungry, kids can too! I recommend Cheerios, or any other small and clean snacks. Try to stay away from any snack that can stain or make a mess. The best option though is making sure your children have plenty to eat prior to the session.
3. Hydrate!
Bring plenty of water bottles not only for the children, but parents too! Make sure to encourage your kids to drink water before and during the session, and along those lines, always try to have a bathroom break before the family photo session begins!
4. Have a Conversation with Your Child Prior to the Photo Shoot
Try not to surprise the photo session on your child hours before hand. Bring up the fact that the whole family is going to be asking a photographer to take some pictures of them at (insert location) and explain what will take place. If your child is old enough, you might want to lay out how you expect them to act during the photo shoot and the expectations that are expected of them.
5. Natural Smiles are Preferred
I promise, telling your child “that’s not your real smile” or “smile how you did before” or “don’t smile like that”, doesn’t typically work. If you are hoping for a genuine smile for your family photos, you’ll need a genuine smile and laugh! So instead, focus on acting silly and cheerful to get joyful expressions from your children.
6. Reward Systems
We are not above bribery! Lollipops, toys, and ice cream after a session are all great ways to incentivize your children.
7. Positivity is Your Greatest Tool
You children will pick up on your attitude and can sense your anxieties. Take a deep breath and allow yourself to relax. I promise your children will pick up on that attitude and you will have a great family picture session!
Ready to schedule family photos? Reach out to me here!