Makala | Pewamo-Westphalia Senior Class of 2021

Makala just happened to choose one of the most windy days for her senior pictures, so we really had to make the wind work to our benefit during her session. Still, she is so photogenic that the wind did not matter with how beautiful her photos turned out! We met in Portland, Michigan and traveled to several locations within the city. I truly love this place, it is so picturesque! Here are a few of my favorites along with a little more about Makala!

senior picture of a girl in field

RP: What are you most looking forward to after high school? What will you miss most in high school?

Makala: What I am most looking forward to after highschool would be meeting new people because I am a social person and I like to make new friends. I think I’m going to miss seeing the people that I’ve gone to school with my whole life the most because they are my friends and classmates.

senior picture of a girl with white flowers

RP: What piece of advice would you give your younger self?

Makala: Some advice I would give to my younger self would be to work hard even when it is hard to do so.

senior picture of a girl in the woods by the river

RP: What was one of the most memorable things that happened to you during high school?

Makala: Some of the most memorable things that happened to me in highschool would be winning the state championship in basketball with my teammates and going to football games.

Thank you, Makala, for choosing me to capture you for your senior year!

To view her full gallery, click here!