Tyler | Pewamo-Westphalia Class of 2021

I absolutely love working with Tyler’s family! Tyler’s senior picture session is not the first time I have worked with his family, however he is the oldest child, so this one on one session was new to them! Even so, we got right to work getting some amazing senior pictures to commemorate Tyler’s upcoming senior year. We spent time in Westphalia and at their beautiful home which is the most gorgeous place to take photos. Here are a few of my favorites along with a little more about Tyler!

senior guy photo sitting by stump

RP: What are your plans after high school? Why did you choose that?

Tyler: Attend U of M and become an ER doctor... I chose this because I love to help people and I am interested in medicine

senior guy standing next to brick wall

RP: What are your favorite words to live by?

Tyler: “It’s not about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward” quote from Rocky Balboa movie 

senior boy sitting on a large rock

RP: What do you look forward to the most after high school?

Tyler: I look forward to learning new things, meeting new people, and starting my career as a doctor

Thank you, Tyler, for inviting me to take your senior pictures!

Are you ready to schedule your photos? Contact me here!